We will provide the prediction of your luck (by month) for a specific year or rolling 12 months from your selected month/year. Critical items will be addressed so you can prepare for the good as well as the bad in this specific 12-month period.

Chan Tai Man
1958-08-12 07:30
1999-02 to 2000-01


Basically this is not a good year for you. You will feel very unstable and unhappy this year. Therefore, it's best not to make any important investment or decision this year. Frequent physical check up is advisable, as your health is not good this year. You will have a lot of conflict with your wife, so you should try to remain calm if you have arguments with her. Your boss will be biased against you this year. You should handle your job carefully.

Feb 1999 This is a very bad month for you. Your boss treats you badly. You lost a lot of money because of your colleague or your mother/brother/sister. You feel very unstable and unhappy. You had a serious argument with your wife. Your health is bad. You will lose money in an investment you made earlier.

Mar 1999 This is also a very bad month for you. All the problems will continue from last month and become even worse. Be careful of your health and beware of accident. You will lose on most of the investment you made.

Apr 1999 This month is much better than last 2 months but is still not a very good month. You will feel more relaxed because it is not as stressful as the last two months. Your mother's health will be bad this month.

May 1999 Your luck is good this month especially in the 1st half of the month. There will be less conflict between you and your wife. Your mother's health is still not good this month. Your boss will give you trouble. You should take more time to handle your boss' demands.

Jun 1999 This month is very volatile. The first half of the month is good but the 2nd half of the month is very bad. Your boss will give you a lot of pressure in the 2nd half of the month. Be careful of your health. You may suffer from illnesses in the 2nd half of the month.

Jul 1999 Basically this is also a volatile month. Your luck is bad in the 2nd half of the month. Do not make any important decision or you may end up regretting it later.

Aug 1999 This is a good month for you. Your luck is good, so you will be able to enjoy some much needed peace and quiet. However, conflict between you and your wife remains unresolved.

Sep 1999 This is a good month for you also. However, you will lose money because of your colleague or your brother/sister. Conflict will be continued with your wife.

Oct 1999 This is a very bad month for you. Your luck is very back and your boss will give you a lot of pressure. You get no help from your colleague or subordinate. Therefore, you will feel very nervous, uneasy and insecure. You and your sons will get sick easily. You will have a serious conflict with your wife. You will lose a lot of money this month. Do not make any important decision regarding investment this month.

Nov 1999 This is a very bad month just like last month. Problems will continue. You must be calm and do not make any important decision on investment in this month. Be careful of your health as you can get sick easily.

Dec 1999 Just like the last two months, this is a very bad month for you. Problems will continue. The pressure from your boss will continue and get worse especially in the 1st half of the month. Be careful of your health and beware of accidents.

Jan 2000 Your luck will be better in this month than in the previous three months. However, it's still not a good month for investment. It is best to lay low and enjoy the peaceful life after last three months.